Trainman Blog

The official blog of Trainman, with rants and advices on trains.

Check out these 6 Best Hill Stations in Tamil Nadu

These hill stations provide a sanctuary from the sweltering heat of the plains and ensure a pleasant climate throughout the year.

Top 7 monuments of India

Each Indian monument stands as a reverberating echo of the glory of its past rulers and the unparalleled brilliance of the ancient Indian artisans.

7 Most Revered Sacred Ghats Of India

The water bodies, accompanied by meticulously constructed steps known as "ghats," hold immense sanctity and serve as vital sources of water and sacred sanctuaries for devotees.

The Silk Route of India: Journey through Top 5 Silk-producing Regions

India is renowned for producing and exporting a wide variety of silk on the global stage.

Popular Railway Stations in India Named After Prominent People

In a heartfelt tribute to these luminaries, many public spaces, including roads, buildings, cities, and even railway stations, are named after these remarkable souls.

Train Cancellation Update for Monday, 19 June 2023

The zones of Indian Railways cancelled multiple express, local, and passenger trains.

Kodaikanal: A Journey to the Princess of Hill Stations

Kodaikanal has managed to preserve its tranquil and uncommercialized ambience, ensuring a delightful experience for its guests, with relatively fewer crowds.

The Great Indian Rail Adventure: Traveling from North to South

Let us take you to a epic journey that offers an immersive experience of the rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and remarkable diversity that India has to offer.

Safety Measures and Initiatives in Indian Railways

This article explores the key safety measures and initiatives undertaken by Indian Railways to create a secure and reliable train transportation system in the country.

3 Best Spiritual Destinations in India

The following spiritual destinations we shall be exploring will offer pilgrims the bonus of escaping the scorching heat of the plains.

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