It has also announced the cancellation of trains due to Line Block for railway-related works at Hejjala Yard down line. Similarly, the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) announced an increase in trips of Secunderabad, Agartala weekly special. NFR also announced resumption in services of three Intercity special trains on a daily basis after August 15. Here is the list of all the trains that are being resumed from 16th August.
Train Timings and Stoppages
The train 05719 Katihar Siliguri Junction Intercity Special will depart from its base station Katihar Jn (KIR) at 06:00 am and arrive at the destination station Siliguri Jn (SGUJ) at 10:55 am the same day. This special train will resume from August 16.
On the return journey the train 05720 Siliguri Junction Katihar Intercity Special will depart from its base station Siliguri Jn (SGUJ) at 02:15 pm and arrive at the destination station Katihar Jn (KIR) at 07:15 pm the same day. This special train will resume from August 16.
The train 05767 Siliguri Junction Alipurduar Junction Intercity special will depart from its base station Siliguri Jn (SGUJ) at 04:45 pm and arrive at the destination station Alipur Duar Jn (APDJ) at 11:19 pm the same day. This special train will resume from August 16.
On the return journey the train 05768 Alipurduar Junction Siliguri Junction Intercity Special will depart from its base station Alipur Duar Jn (APDJ) at 05:45 am and arrive at the destination station Siliguri Jn (SGUJ) at 10:30 am the same day. This special train will resume from August 16.
The train 05769 Alipur Duar Lumding Intercity Special will depart from its base station Alipur Duar Jn (APDJ) at 03:45 am and arrive at the destination station Lumding Jn (LMG) at 01:40 pm the same day. This special train will resume from August 17.
On the return journey the train 05770 Lumding Alipur Duar Intercity Special will depart from its base station Lumding Jn (LMG) at 03:10 pm and arrive at the destination station Alipur Duar Jn (APDJ) at 12:50 am the next day. This special train will resume from August 17.
Along with the resumption of the 6 above trains, South Western Railway has also extended the services of 2 already running weekly special trains. Here is the list of these trains:-
The train 02983 Bengaluru Cantonment Agartala Weekly Superfast Special Express departs from its base station Bengaluru Cant (BNC) at 10:15 am and reaches its destination station Agartala (AGTL) at 03:00 am on the 4th day. The services of this train have been extended from 3 September 2021 to 25 February 2022.
On the return journey the train 02984 Agartala Bengaluru Cantonment Weekly Superfast Special Express departs from its base station Agartala (AGTL) at 06:10 am and reaches its destination station Bengaluru Cant (BNC) at 08:15 pm on the 3rd day. This train has been extended from 31 August, 2021 to 22 February, 2022.
Indian Railway is restoring its passenger train services to almost pre-pandemic levels. These trains are also likely to be special trains only and not regular passenger services. All regular passenger train services of Indian Railways were suspended when a nationwide lockdown was declared last year in March but since May 2020 special train services were started by the national transporter in a phased manner.
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